Our success case

Amapex Environment industria textil - estampado

Success case
in the elastomer industry


Amapex Environment industria de elastómeros



Amapex Environment industria textil

Success case
in the textile industry


Amapex Environment industria química

Success case
in chemical industry


Amapex Environment industria de curtidos

Success case
in tanning industry


Amapex Environment industria metal - mecánica de estampación



Amapex Environment industria metal - mecánica de motores

Success case
of the metal-mechanic motor industry



Success case
in the elastomer industry

Success case - Girona, España

Icono cliente


Fábrica de estampados que ofrece sus servicios a una de las mayores cadenas de venta y distribución de productos textiles de moda en el mundo.

Icono reto


550 m3/día de aguas residuales industriales procedentes del proceso productivo.

Icono resultados


 Elimination of 96% of polluting toxic gases.
90% reduction in treatment costs.

Concentración de Amonio (ppm)

Amapex Environment tabla

Customer needs

  •  Purification of toxic gases emitted, in order to reduce the concentrations of
    the chemical substances that are mostly contained by chloroparaffins.

  • Reduce the high estimated costs of € 1,200,000 / year, of the current conventional system for gas purification, based on filters and chemical neutralization processes.

  • Eliminate the risk of proliferation of dangerous emanations for the neighboring population.

The solution

The solution consisted in replacing the toxic gas purification train with a gas flushing system, combined with an AMAPEX biological solution that allows to eliminate the polluting toxic gases and significantly reduce the high costs of the previously used cleaning system. Gas cleaning is carried out by passing through a cold plate chamber that
condenses the vapors on a circulating water tank.

Once the gases are liquefied, dissolved or dispersed in water, it is treated. The system consists in applying a solution that contains a mixture of bacteria and nutrients specifically designed for each client. The bacteria are activated very quickly and efficiently, metabolizing the pollutants presents in the water.

For the multiplication of bacteria, an intelligent unit has been designed that, reading the parameters of the waters to be treated, activates the biological mixture to provide it with optimized activity


This AMAPEX solution can be successfully applied in any manufacturing plant for elastomers, technical rubbers or alike that emit toxic pollutant gases to the exterior



Casos de éxito en Lombardia, Italia

Icono cliente


Empresa multinacional fabricante de elastómeros para el aislamiento térmico y acústico.

Icono reto


Producción de altas emisiones de gases tóxicos al exterior, con elevadas concentraciones de cloroparafinas como resultado de la fabricación de aislantes elastoméricos.

Icono resultados


Eliminación del 96% de los gases tóxicos contaminantes.
Reducción del 90% en los costes de tratamiento.

Antes y después del tratamiento de depuración de aguas con solución Amapex

  • Amapex Environment hombre llenado recipiente
  • Amapex Environment agua

Necesidad del cliente

  • Depuración de los gases tóxicos emitidos al exterior, con la finalidad de reducir las concentraciones de las sustancias químicas contenidas en su mayoría por cloroparafinas.

  • Reducir los altos costes estimados en 1.200.000 €/año, del sistema convencional actual para la depuración de los gases, basado en filtros y procesos de neutralización química.

  • Eliminar el riesgo de proliferación de emanaciones peligrosas para la población colindante.

La solución

La solución consistió en sustituir el tren de depuración de gases tóxicos por un sistema de lavado de gases, combinado con una solución biológica AMAPEX que permite eliminar los gases tóxicos contaminantes y reducir significativamente los elevados costes del sistema de limpieza anteriormente utilizado.

El lavado de gases se efectúa mediante su paso por una cámara de placas frías que condensan los vapores sobre un depósito de agua en circulación.

Una vez que los gases son licuados, disueltos o dispersados en agua, se procede al tratamiento de la misma.

El sistema consiste en aplicar una solución que contiene una mezcla de bacterias y nutrientes diseñada expresamente para cada cliente. Las bacterias se activan de manera muy rápida y eficaz, metabolizando los contaminantes presentes en el agua.

Para la multiplicación de las bacterias se ha diseñado una unidad inteligente que, leyendo los parámetros de las aguas a tratar, activa la mezcla biológica para dotarle de una actividad optimizada.


Esta solución AMAPEX puede aplicarse con éxito en cualquier planta de fabricación de elastómeros, gomas técnicas o similares que emitan gases contaminantes tóxicos al exterior.


Success case
in the textile industry

Caso de Éxito en Chieri (Piemonte), Italia

Icono cliente


Fábrica de tintes y acabados textiles para tejidos de algodón y sintéticos.

Icono reto


150 m3/día de aguas residuales industriales a depurar procedentes del lavado de las piezas textiles que se han teñido previamente.

Icono resultados


 Reduction of pollutants that allow
the reuse of 60% of the emitted water.
• Savings up to 60% of total costs
water and purification.

Antes y después del tratamiento de depuración con solución Amapex

  • Amapex Environment tanques de agua
  • Amapex Environment tanques con agua

Customer need

  •  Industrial wastewater treatment as a product of the industrial dry-cleaning process, in which there are produced
    150m3/ day of wastewater.

  • Elimination of high load of pollutants presents in industrial waters, which contain a significant amount of oils and fats from the use of textile dyes, in addition to other chemical elements from the fixing and dyeing process.

  • Discoloration of wastewater heavily contaminated by dyes used in dyeing.

  • Reduction in the consumption of public network water used in the production process.

  •  Reduction of materials and subsequent filtering techniques.

  •  Reduction of the corresponding sanitation fee due to discharge to the public network.

The solution

The Amapex solution tailored designed for the existing wastewater treatment system, simplifies the process of
purifying wastewater. The system consists of treating the wastewater with a solution that contains a mixture of bacteria and nutrients specifically designed for each client. The bacteria reproduce very quickly, acting effectively in removing the contaminating compounds presents in the treated water.

For the activation of the bacteria, an intelligent unit has been designed that, reading the parameters of the water to be treated, activates the biological mixture to provide it with optimized activity.

The use of the system, in addition to greater efficiency in removing the load of contaminants, saves the client the use of complementary techniques such as carbon filters, ozonation and others, which are expensive and needs frequent


This AMAPEX solution is specific for the treatment of residual waters in the
textile industry, which can be successfully applied in industrial dry cleaners, textile finishes and purification stations for tanning processes.


Success case
in chemical industry

Caso de Éxito en Tarragona (Cataluña), España

Icono cliente


Industria especializada en la química del cloro.

Icono reto


3.000 m3/día de aguas residuales industriales a depurar procedentes de la producción de fertilizantes, insecticidas y pesticidas.

Icono resultados


 More than 95% reduction in Lindane.
• 70% cost savings compared to
traditional industrial wastewater
treatment systems.

Customer need

  •  Purification of industrial wastewater as a product of the manufacture of fertilizers, insecticides and pesticides.

  •  Elimination of high load of organochlorine contaminants present in wastewater, especially Lindane (> 7900 ngl), highly toxic and very difficult to eliminate.

  • Reduce the cost of the conventional method of water purification that costs more than € 150 / m3.

The solution

AMAPEX solution allows reducing the Lindane content of purified water, with a significant cost reduction compared to
traditional wastewater treatment systems. The solution is to treat the contaminated water by passing it through retention tanks, applying a solution that contains a mixture of bacteria and nutrients, specifically designed for each client.

The bacteria are activated very quicklyand efficiently, metabolizing especially the organochlorine compounds present in the water.

For the multiplication of bacteria, an intelligent unit has been designed that, reading the parameters of the waters to be treated, activates the biological mixture to provide it with optimized activity.


This AMAPEX solution is specific for the treatment of wastewater in the chemical
industry, which can also be successfully applied in the plastics, styrene industry and, in general, in all industries derived
from the petrochemical sector with high production of effluent wastewater chlorinated.



Caso de Éxito en Barcelona (Cataluña), España

Icono cliente


(Estación Depuradora
de Aguas Residuales)

Icono reto


Más de 2.000 m3/día de aguas residuales industriales procedentes de distintas curtidurías de Barcelona.

Icono resultados


 Approximately 92% reduction in COD
and 52% NH4 +.
• 50% decrease in the current cost of
the water purification system.

  • Amapex Environment gráfico
  • Amapex Environment gráfico sistema AMAPEX

Customer needs

  •  Purification of industrial wastewater as a product of leather tanning.
  • Elimination of high loads of pollutants, made up of liquid chemical residues
    that contain ammonia, dyes and mineral salts.
  • Elimination of organic solid residues of animal origin, which contain fats, remains of fur and hair.
  • It involves combined physical, chemical and biological water treatmentDepuración de aguas residuales industriales como producto del curtido de pieles.

The solution

Tailor-made AMAPEX solution in the current effluent purification process that allows obtaining similar results in reducing the Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) and Ammonium (NH4 +) of the purified waters, with a significant cost
reduction compared to traditional wastewater treatment systems.

Depending on the applied process and the client’s needs, the AMAPEX System can be proposed as an alternative to
the current debugging system or as a complement to it.

In this specific case, the results correspond to the total substitution and it is essentially a matter of introducing a
mixture of bacteria and trace elements into the purification ponds.

These bacteria and trace elements have been previously activated in an intelligent reactor, designed by Amapex.
The results in terms of contamination parameters are better than with the conventional system, after 3 days of
treatment and with a cost of less than 50% of the current cost.

Each case must be studied in detail, due to the great variability of water treatment carried out in tanneries, depending on leather type and use


This AMAPEX solution is specific for the treatment of wastewater in tanneries, which can also be successfully applied in treatment plants for collecting water from various leather treatments. 

Metal - mecánico


Caso de Éxito en Santena (Piamonte), Italia

Icono cliente


Factoría de fundición y estampación metálica.

Icono reto


15 m3/día de aguas residuales industriales como residuo del proceso del sistema de lubrificación y lavado de metales para fundición y estampación.

Icono resultados


 More than 56% COD reduction.
• 50% decrease in the oils and fats contained.
• The proposed treatment system represents less than 50% of the cost of the current treatment.
• It allows treatment at the client’s headquarters without the need to use the external services of a waste manager.

Customer needs

  •  Waste water treatment with high loads of toxic and corrosive pollutants, as a result of the smelting and stamping of metals.

  • Reduction of the high concentration of oils and fats that exceed 3,000 mg / l.

  • Decrease in Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) that exceeds 25,000 mg / l.

  •  High cost reduction of such complex wastewater treatment services, amounting to more than € 120 / m3
    for the removal and elimination of pollutants

The solution

Direct application of the AMAPEX system as it consists of treating contaminated
water by passing it through retention tanks, applying a solution that contains a mixture of bacteria and nutrients, specifically designed for each client.

The bacteria are activated very quickly and efficiently, metabolizing especially the contaminating compounds present in the water (oils, fats, surfactants and metals For the activation of bacteria, an intelligent unit has been designed that, reading the parameters of the waters to be treated, activates the biological mixture to provide it with optimized activity.


This AMAPEX solution is also successfully+ applied in the hardware and technical
metal parts production industries, which use large amounts of water and oils for cooling and lubricating the process.

Metal - mecánico

Success case
of the metal-mechanic motor industry

Caso de Éxito al sur de los Países Bajos

Icono cliente


Fábrica de componentes para motores de aerogeneradores de energía.

Icono reto


10 m3 diarios de aguas residuales industriales a depurar como producto del enfriado y lubrificación de los componentes para los motores de los aerogeneradores de energía.

Icono resultados


More than 60% reduction in the current cost of conventional wastewater treatment.
• Reuse of 70% of the treated wastewater.
• Potential reuse of 80% of oils for lubricating uses.

Separación del agua y aceite después de aplicar solución biológica Amapex

Amapex Environment agua y aceite

Customer needs

  •  Purification of industrial wastewater with a high content of special oils and other chemical components, as a result of the use of “Taladrines”, water emulsions with special oils used as coolant and lubricant.

  • Reduction of the high annual costs derived from the treatment of residual waters that suppose around 200 € / m3.

The solution

Direct and tailored application of the biological system of AMAPEX that consists of separating the oily and
aqueous phases in order to reuse them.
Contaminated water is treated by passing through retention tanks, in which a solution containing a mixture of bacteria and nutrients is applied, designed to measure for each client.
The bacteria are activated very quickly, acting effectively in the elimination of the contaminants present in the water (oils, fats, surfactants and metals).
For bacterial activation, an intelligent unit has been designed that, reading the parameters of the waters to be treated,
activates the biological mixture to provide it with optimized activity.
The water can be reused in the same factory and the oil could be reused for lubricating uses without special


This specific AMAPEX solution can also be successfully applied in engine factories and in car repair shop waste collection plants.

Metal - mecánico

Producción de biogas

Caso de Éxito en Ottawa, Canadá

Icono cliente


Empresa de ingeniería fabricante de plantas de biogás anaeróbicas.

Icono reto


Mejorar los resultados de producción de biometano en la digestión anaeróbica de materia lignocelulósica.

Icono resultados


Incremento en la producción de biometano del 10%.

Reducción de mantenimientos 30%

Necesidad del cliente

  • Conseguir una biodigestión de productos con alta cantidad de celulosa, como residuos de poda.
  • Reducir tiempo de biodigestión incrementado la glucosa disponibles en el proceso.
  • Reducción de gases asociados al proceso (H2S y NH4*) con efectos dañinos en los motores de producción de energía y los propios digestores, mejorando la calidad del biogás.

La solución

La solución consistió en aplicar un pretratamiento biológico diseñado específicamente para la materia a ser biodigerida (pelets de madera de poda) con la finalidad de descomponer las cadenas de celulosa antes de entrar en el biodigestor.


De esta forma se pone a disposición la glucosa necesaria para la producción de biogás con mayor concentración de biometano.


Las bacterias usadas en el pretratamiento, seleccionadas genéticamente, en situación anaeróbica se sirven del amonio para "respirar" reduciendo la presencia de este en el biodigestor, mejorando eficiencia y reduciendo mantenimientos.

Para la multiplicación de las bacterias se ha diseñado una unidad inteligente que, leyendo los parámetros de la materia a digerir, activa la mezcla biológica para dotarle de una actividad optimizada.


Esta solución AMAPEX puede aplicarse con éxito en cualquier planta de generación de biogás de digestión anaeróbica, tanto para mejorar la producción como para purificarla.


Amapex Environement SL
Carrer Rocafort 240, entlo 3 08029, Barcelona
931 597 479  | 617 509 430


Carretera d’Olot 24,
17856, Castellfollit de la Roca, Girona.

08037, Barcelona, España.